Get To Know The Centre For Ecosystem Management


Our Purpose

This partnership between CEM and QFC is designed to help the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission (GLFC), the Government of Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) to successfully meet the myriad challenges of a rapidly changing world.

There is growing appreciation of the potential advantages of ecosystem-based management among many stakeholders. Such an integrated perspective embraces the complexities arising from coupled interactions between humans and their environment with global changes in climate, landscape use, and socio-economic constraints. All of these factors are increasingly recognized as important contributors to both the dynamics and socio-economic sustainability of commercial and recreational fisheries.

The Team

CEM is composed of several faculty members at the University of Guelph as well as 3 Postdoctoral Research Fellows with expertise in quantitative fisheries science, ecosystem dynamics, and computer modelling of coupled human-environmental interactions. This core group of research scientists is supplemented by a team of short-term visiting scientists, postdoctoral research associates and students from both the University of Guelph and Michigan State University. Key activities include collaborative research, workshops to link scientists with stakeholders, industry, and governmental decision-makers, and an annual symposium to discuss emerging issues in ecosystem management across the Great Lakes region.

Steph Crowther