
Collaborative science designed for impact.


Our goals:

  • Conduct world-leading research on ecological interactions and processes that sustain ecosystem composition, structure, and function in the Great Lakes Basin

  • Integrate human social interactions and their dynamic socio-economic implications on the sustainability of Great Lakes fisheries and Basin ecosystems.

  • Develop and synthesize quantitative infrastructure to effectively inform ecosystem management in the Great Lakes Basin

  • Enhance collaboration amongst researchers, managers and policy makers, both locally and globally through an annual research symposium, workshops and grants


research areas we work in

Adaptation in changing environments

We explore the mechanisms by which living systems (from cells to ecosystems) respond to global change.

impacts of invasive species

We explore ecosystem-level impacts of invasive species, with implications for local and global ecological challenges.

Nature’s Contributions to People

We explore the benefits that nature provides to people, and how to identify management solutions that benefit people and nature.